Sunday, March 23, 2014

This week in the orchard we had a lot of small tasks to accomplish. Some students weed-eated rows of grafted trees, some ran the ATV and sprayed herbicide, and I sprayed the big barn with the backpack sprayer.

Filled with a water-bottle full of trust RoundUp and three gallons of water, I made my way in and around our huge equipment barn. I'm sure it once was a cattle barn because of the chutes and pens, but now it houses 5 tractors and half a dozen other large implements for harvesting.

The barn had become overrun with weeds inside and out, so I put out 15 gallons of spray all around the structure. Very soon, the entire barn and the pens should be void of any pesky weeds. I wouldn't call it an exciting task, but necessary nonetheless.

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